The night APS-ASD

La Nottola Aps-Asd is a non-profit association made up of speleologists, naturalists and lovers of Nature and Art, which pursues social promotion purposes through the protection and enhancement of the environmental and naturalistic heritage, through the carrying out of speleological and than any other outdoor activity.
It organizes and promotes outdoor sporting activities, provides environmental education for schools and scientific research in the field of nature. It aims for international cooperation and solidarity, promotes and enhances the principles of pluralism and increased encounter between cultures, solidarity between peoples and the development of responsible tourism, aware and respectful of the environment and population.
Tel. 389.031.2110 - - PEC - ​​​​C.F. 91350780374 / VAT number 03400571208
Via Molino Ballone n°16 40038 Vergato (Bo)